Image CDN

Our CDN is a high-performance content delivery network that is designed to provide fast and reliable delivery of images. With a global network that spans over 285 edge points in 100 countries, we are able to deliver content to users around the world quickly and efficiently, no matter where they are located.

One of the key features of our CDN is our advanced compression algorithms, including AVIF and WebP. These algorithms are specifically designed for image compression, and they offer significant improvements over traditional formats like JPEG and PNG. By using these advanced compression algorithms, we are able to minimize file sizes and reduce load times, resulting in faster and more efficient delivery of images to users.

Our CDN is designed to provide a seamless experience for users, with low latency and high reliability, ensuring that images are delivered quickly and efficiently to users, no matter where they are located. With a global network of edge points, we are able to ensure that content is delivered from the closest possible location to the user, minimizing latency and improving overall performance.

Overall, our CDN is designed to provide users with a fast and reliable way to deliver digital assets to users around the world. With our advanced compression algorithms, global network, and high-performance infrastructure, we are able to provide a cutting-edge service that helps to optimize web applications and enhance user experience.