
To use SimpleImg in your web application, you can install the dependencies using Yarn or NPM. For React integrations, you can use the following packages:

# Uploader for React
# It provides an easy-to-use interface for uploading and managing images.

# CDN Image Component for React
# It is a component which consumes CDN for displaying and manipulating images,
# also supports lazy loading and preloading of images for improved performance.

To install them using Yarn, run:

yarn add @simpleimg/uploader-react @simpleimg/image-react

To install them using NPM, run:

npm install @simpleimg/uploader-react @simpleimg/image-react --save

For HTML integrations, you can include the following scripts in your HTML file:

# Uploader for HTML
# It provides an easy-to-use interface for uploading and managing images.

# CDN Image Component for HTML
# It is a component which consumes CDN for displaying and manipulating images,
# also supports lazy loading and preloading of images for improved performance.
<script src=""></script>
<script src=""></script>

Once you have installed the dependencies or included the scripts, you can start using the SimpleImg components in your application. Learn more about Image CDN and Image Uploader: